I understand that the cost of haircuts can be a significant financial burden for parents and caregivers. The additional expenses of private childcare, tutoring, therapies, hospital bills, medication, equipment, incontinence supplies, and extracurricular activities can be overwhelming. To help alleviate this burden, I am seeking your support in sponsoring free monthly haircuts for clients of "The Infinity Experience."

With your assistance, I can continue to use my skills and space to provide professional haircuts to children with intellectual, physical, or developmental disabilities at no cost to the parent or caregivers. Thank you for your support!


Why give?

  • Neurodivergent individuals, including those with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other neurological variations, often face unique challenges that require tailored support. Contributing to this community helps provide resources, services, and accommodations that address these specific needs.

  • Contributions can help establish support networks and communities where neurodivergent individuals and their families can find connection, resources, and understanding. This sense of belonging can be crucial for emotional well-being.

  • Neurodivergent individuals can face systemic inequalities, such as barriers to accessing services or discrimination. Giving back helps address these disparities and work towards greater equity and justice.

  • By addressing the financial barriers to essential services like haircuts, funding helps ensure that everyone has access to basic grooming needs, contributing to their overall well-being and self-esteem.

  • Your actions can serve as a model for others. When people see the positive impact of giving back, they may be inspired to contribute in their own way, creating a ripple effect of generosity and support

  • Supporting the neurodivergent community fosters a more inclusive society. It helps break down barriers and stereotypes, promoting understanding and acceptance of neurodiversity as a natural and valuable part of human variation.

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Say hello to Airsten! When Airsten first walked into my barbershop, he was a bit nervous. You see, Airsten has autism, and the loud sounds of my clippers were overwhelming for him. As he sat in my chair, I noticed his discomfort immediately. It took a moment of quick thinking, but I found a solution that worked wonders.

I handed him a toy hair clipper, hoping it would help him feel more at ease. To my delight, it did just that! With the toy clipper in hand, Airsten began to feel included in the haircutting process. His eyes lit up as he mimicked my movements, and his anxiety visibly melted away. Week after week, Airsten's confidence grew. He started to trust me and the environment I had created for him. Fast forward to today, and it's a completely different story. Airsten walks in with a smile, hops into my chair, and takes out his phone. He’s calm, focused, and at peace, fully engrossed in his favorite games or videos.

It's incredible to see how far he's come, and it's a reminder of how small adjustments can make a world of difference. Every haircut is now a pleasant experience for both of us, and I've learned so much about patience, empathy, and the power of a simple gesture. Airsten has taught me that sometimes, all it takes is a toy hair clipper to turn an overwhelming situation into a joyful one.

Make an
impact today

The Infinity Experience’s mission is to transform the barbershop environment into a welcoming haven for neurodivergent children and their families. I am dedicated to fostering a space where every child is met with grace, understanding, and patience. My goal is to soften the world’s perception and response to neurodiversity, ensuring that every interaction is grounded in empathy and respect. Through our commitment, I aim to create a ripple effect of kindness and inclusivity, making a positive impact on how neurodivergent individuals are treated everywhere.

“Embracing neurodiversity means meeting children where they are and enabling their participation in activities that resonate with their interests. In the journey to support neurodivergent kids, let's change the world around them rather than forcing them to change who they are.”

Adina Levy

“My mind may work differently, but it doesn’t mean it’s broken.”

Stephen Shore

“The world needs all kinds of minds to flourish.”

Dr. Temple Grandin

Make a donation.

Your generosity can transform lives. By making a donation, you’re not just contributing to a cause; you’re helping to create real change in our community. Whether it’s providing essential services, supporting vital programs, or giving a helping hand to those in need, your contribution plays a crucial role in making the world a better place.


  • Being neurodiverse-friendly means we are committed to creating an inclusive and accommodating environment for individuals with various neurological conditions, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others. I am trained to understand and support different needs to ensure a comfortable experience for all.

  • I understand that sensory sensitivities can be a concern. If you have specific needs, such as a preference for quieter environments or different types of lighting, please let me know. I can adjust our setup to make your visit as comfortable as possible. I also provide little barbershop toys to help my clients focus.

  • Certainly! I offer pre-visit consultations where you can discuss your needs and preferences before your appointment. This can help you feel more comfortable and prepared for your visit.

  • Absolutely. I welcome support persons or caregivers to accompany you during your appointment. Just let me know in advance so we can ensure we provide the best possible experience for everyone involved.

  • If you experience anxiety about visiting the barbershop, please let me know. I can offer flexible appointment times, provide a detailed explanation of what to expect, or make any necessary adjustments to help ease your anxiety. My goal is to make your visit as stress-free as possible.